
Video broadcasting as a curatorial construction that investigates the phenomenon of a mediatic contemporary art. Movies that ficcionalize, romanticize and ironize about this closed world that attracts more and more non-especialized audiences; specialist's and amateur's documentarys; emerging artists that leaves the galleries and participate in fierce competitions on reality TV shows, and also produce their own internet broadcast spaces, like this one.

This is a proyect about making accesible this hard-to-get video material (that isn't accesible or well known in most parts of the world) for everyone who is interested in contemporary art. I came across all this interesting videos and movies and decided i whanted to shared them. But to do so, i had to translate them for the spanish speaking people. Gradually the users of the site began to collaborate with the translations, and now we are organized and working on this task ( This proyect has been ...

Full Description

Video broadcasting as a curatorial construction that investigates the phenomenon of a mediatic contemporary art. Movies that ficcionalize, romanticize and ironize about this closed world that attracts more and more non-especialized audiences; specialist's and amateur's documentarys; emerging artists that leaves the galleries and participate in fierce competitions on reality TV shows, and also produce their own internet broadcast spaces, like this one.

This is a proyect about making accesible this hard-to-get video material (that isn't accesible or well known in most parts of the world) for everyone who is interested in contemporary art. I came across all this interesting videos and movies and decided i whanted to shared them. But to do so, i had to translate them for the spanish speaking people. Gradually the users of the site began to collaborate with the translations, and now we are organized and working on this task ( This proyect has been working since 2010, and there is no plan to stop.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2010
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Sunday Apr 28th, 2013
  • Original Url:
  • Work Credits:
    • lalulula, Curator and Admin
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Artist Statement

This project is about making contemporarty art accesible to a grater audience, but also about sharing cultural goods, about defending the right to do so freely. About working togheter to allow this pedagogical material to circulate, with a non profit mentality. Put together, these cultural fragments, these digital video recordings and authors from all over the world, become a new image of the art of our time, a collective creation television sculpture consisting of a global flow of ideas, a point of inflection between the industrial era and the computing era, between the twentieth and twenty-first century.

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