Chromastrobe (2012)

Chromastrobe is an interactive video installation designed to immerse and transform the body’s gestures into residual trails of alternating colours. The video consists of a rapid fluctuation between red, green, and blue frames (or the primary colours of the additive colour model that when combined create white light) that optically blend through sheer speed. However, unlike the traditional Structural flicker films that were designed strictly for optical presentation, Chromastrobe seeks to expand upon this concept through the user’s play and motion as they interact with space, light, and colour, to dictate pace, rhythm, and form. It is through kinesis that Chromastrobe deconstructs itself, filtering and offsetting gesture, vision, and performance into an illusory diffraction.

The video is flickering between red, green and blue frames at a rate of 60 frames per second. The flickering video is projected with a short throw projector to create an immersive colour field. There are two main effects from this. The first is that the user experiences “RGB trails” as they move within the space. The second is that the rapid transitions between colours start to create abstract patterns that are optical illusions/artifacts.

Full Description

Chromastrobe is an interactive video installation designed to immerse and transform the body’s gestures into residual trails of alternating colours. The video consists of a rapid fluctuation between red, green, and blue frames (or the primary colours of the additive colour model that when combined create white light) that optically blend through sheer speed. However, unlike the traditional Structural flicker films that were designed strictly for optical presentation, Chromastrobe seeks to expand upon this concept through the user’s play and motion as they interact with space, light, and colour, to dictate pace, rhythm, and form. It is through kinesis that Chromastrobe deconstructs itself, filtering and offsetting gesture, vision, and performance into an illusory diffraction.

The video is flickering between red, green and blue frames at a rate of 60 frames per second. The flickering video is projected with a short throw projector to create an immersive colour field. There are two main effects from this. The first is that the user experiences “RGB trails” as they move within the space. The second is that the rapid transitions between colours start to create abstract patterns that are optical illusions/artifacts.

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