Kill Screen (2012)

Digital print on aluminum, 20" x 20" 2012

"Kill screens were much more common during the Golden Age of Arcade Games. Games from this era were often written with the assumption that the player would stop playing long before the numerical limits of the game code were reached; most games from this period were intended to continue until the players lost all of their lives. Additionally, the limited hardware of these early machines often meant that programmers could not spend processor power on logical checks of the game state."

Full Description

Digital print on aluminum, 20" x 20" 2012

"Kill screens were much more common during the Golden Age of Arcade Games. Games from this era were often written with the assumption that the player would stop playing long before the numerical limits of the game code were reached; most games from this period were intended to continue until the players lost all of their lives. Additionally, the limited hardware of these early machines often meant that programmers could not spend processor power on logical checks of the game state."

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2012
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Monday Nov 26th, 2012
  • Work Credits:
    • kristahoefle, primary creator
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