Wall Textil Conceptual Art Tapestry (2014)

Some tapestries are the artist's personal experience in areas, which may question some aesthetic concepts or even social attitudes.This work is a wall textil conceptual art tapestry hand stitched, and like some paintings his language is the Abstract Expressionism, 80 x 60 cm. The work is made of wool on sackcloth. These tapestries have also a conceptual nature. The fact that the supports are in carved wood, both at the top as the basis of the work transforms their concept. which makes a work of art which is framed the concepts of contemporary tapestry. Explores abstract forms made up of colors, that are also aesthetic and emotional properties that wish to communicate with the public. These abstract elements which are the contents of the work represent different objects that are its essence or its representational content. Aims to lead the viewer to reflect on the concepts of object, art object ...

Full Description

Some tapestries are the artist's personal experience in areas, which may question some aesthetic concepts or even social attitudes.This work is a wall textil conceptual art tapestry hand stitched, and like some paintings his language is the Abstract Expressionism, 80 x 60 cm. The work is made of wool on sackcloth. These tapestries have also a conceptual nature. The fact that the supports are in carved wood, both at the top as the basis of the work transforms their concept. which makes a work of art which is framed the concepts of contemporary tapestry. Explores abstract forms made up of colors, that are also aesthetic and emotional properties that wish to communicate with the public. These abstract elements which are the contents of the work represent different objects that are its essence or its representational content. Aims to lead the viewer to reflect on the concepts of object, art object and how to enjoy the art can influence us. The work has a reflexive dimension to the public to think about how works of art affect humans, to explore and say what their level of sensitivity to a work of art.

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