Transitions (2010)

Lag times on the web are perhaps the only hints that the Internet has a physical dimension in space. "Transitions" brings the experience of physical travel to web browsing through the sequential ordering and timing of movement between websites.

A list of bookmarked pages serves as a list of "destinations". Their IP addresses are used to determine a site's physical location, and thus, the sequential order of websites (from east to west). As users travel from one bookmarked site to another, the speed of travel and changes in background color indicate the relative distance between different webpages.

Full Description

Lag times on the web are perhaps the only hints that the Internet has a physical dimension in space. "Transitions" brings the experience of physical travel to web browsing through the sequential ordering and timing of movement between websites.

A list of bookmarked pages serves as a list of "destinations". Their IP addresses are used to determine a site's physical location, and thus, the sequential order of websites (from east to west). As users travel from one bookmarked site to another, the speed of travel and changes in background color indicate the relative distance between different webpages.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2010
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Monday Aug 20th, 2012
  • Work Credits:
    • Caspar Lam, primary creator
  • Collective: Synoptic Office
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