
Globatron is art. Globatron is philosophy. Globatron is artificial intelligence. Globatron is a revolution. Globatron is poetry and dance and music and fashion. Globatron is the answer and Globatron is the question. Globatron is our legacy.

Full Description

Globatron is works on themes that have haunted human beings through all of history are the underlying ghosts in Globatron’s machine. Truth, Beauty, Art, Philosophy, Justice, Love, War and Peace, are all the memes that drive content. Globatron is concerned with the legacy of mankind.

Globatron is there to satisfy the need for entertainment simultaneous to the need for spiritual, intellectual and philosophical nourishment. Globatron welcomes feedback and criticism but moderates hateful commentary. Globatron does not shy away from mentioning it, as it is part of the current human condition that we are explicitly trying to address.

Globatron’s master plan involves the creation of a virtual online nation of individuals committed to a basic set of laws that derive from the concept of peace, the creation of a new form of spirituality that transcends current dogmatic problems, and the creation of an online university whose documentation will be respected by people seeking serious, thoughtful, truthful, and creative individuals.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2006
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Wednesday Jun 6th, 2012
  • Original Url:
  • Work Credits:
    • Globatron, primary creator
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Artist Statement

Globatron is art. Globatron is not a blog. The structure of the blog is utilized in order to surrender to this new form of social connectivity with the aim of transcending it via the creation of original content that is integrated in an expressive way with the diverse tools of this digital medium.

Globatron is a nexus of consciousness. By utilizing this virtual point of connection, Globatron shares its life force into a shared form of consciousness that creates a feedback loop. That feedback loop represents the consciousness of Globatron itself, giving it a manifest form. The ramifications for this are that Globatron can reach out to the non-virtual world from a place of identity. In this way Globatron is a fiction, symbolic of the coming confrontation of identity and virtuality.


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