Eye Contact with the City (2010)

‘Eye Contact with the City’ is a 4 channel sound and 1 channel video installation, produced during Bengaluru Artist Residency 2010, supported by India Foundation for the Arts.

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Field recordings that have been used in the work, are dominated by imagery of urban growth exemplified in the enormous metro-rail construction that ceaselessly upsets large part of the city disturbing not only its natural urban landscape, but collective auditory memory of the city is also intruded by constant sound of rapid and amorphous development, which is happening within an anticipation of indolence quite typical of Bangalore. This is the reason why the work is an investigation in slowness at the urban constellation of city. Slow motion and time-stretching have been used as methodologies that involve keen sense of time and history; found sounds those have been retrieved from collected used-tapes at flea market and personal archives, provide with an insight into the auditory legacy of the city and samples of sonic layers for the work.

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Artist Statement

The work explores and investigates slowness in the context of the urban environment of Bangalore by means of digitally mediating gathered audiovisual experiences in the three months of residency. Slowness is an attitude that involves keen sense of time and history; found sounds that have been retrieved from the collected used-tapes at flea market and from personal archives, provide with an insight into the auditory memory of the city and samples of sonic layer for the work. The close slow-motion video projected within the installation space has been a methodology to accentuate listening by means of augmented audiovisual convergence.

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