This is Not Going Away (for Tim) (2012)

Tim DeChristopher is an American climate activist and co-founder of the environmental group Peaceful Uprising. On December 19, 2008, he protested an oil and gas lease auction of 116 parcels of public land in Utah's redrock country, conducted by the Bureau of Land Management. DeChristopher decided to participate in the auction, signing a Bidder Registration Form and placing bids to obtain 14 parcels of land (totaling 22,500 acres) for $1.8 million. DeChristopher was removed from the auction by federal agents, taken into custody, and questioned. On July 26, 2011, Judge Dee Benson sentenced DeChristopher to two years in prison. (from

"This is Not Going Away (for Tim)" quotes the final paragraph of DeChristopher's statement to the judge at his sentencing.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2012
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Wednesday Mar 14th, 2012
  • Original Url:
  • Work Credits:
    • barryjones, primary creator
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Artist Statement

My work is about ethics and it asks the oldest of questions: what does it mean to live a good life? What is our responsibility to each other, to our families, to those with disabilities, to the past? In the face of tragedy how do we reaffirm that life is good. These are the themes of my work.


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