Marking the Internet and the Physical (2011)

10 perspex markers exist in the gallery space, should an audiance member feel so inclined they can fund the shipping of one of these markers to one of the world centers of the internet, as decided before each exhibtion using a simple google search. There it arrives, unexpected, like a virus.

To thank the audiance member they recieve a limited edition file containing an artist publication providing the HTML code required to get an image of a map depicting the location of their choosen world internet centre.

The work aesthetically marks the internet and the physical.

Full Description

10 perspex markers exist in the gallery space, should an audiance member feel so inclined they can fund the shipping of one of these markers to one of the world centers of the internet, as decided before each exhibtion using a simple google search. There it arrives, unexpected, like a virus.

To thank the audiance member they recieve a limited edition file containing an artist publication providing the HTML code required to get an image of a map depicting the location of their choosen world internet centre.

The work aesthetically marks the internet and the physical.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2011
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Wednesday Feb 29th, 2012
  • Work Credits:
    • ryanhughes, primary creator
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