Aftermath (2012)

This is a weekly exercise that I perform to evaluate the rotational power and transparency of print media. Each weekly exercise is a continued progression of building upon the previous weeks interaction of images. My goal is to continue this weekly project as long as I can to see how the power, memory, and transparency of print media exchanges it's sovereignty.

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This exercise uses a combination of random java and php scripts to visualize the appropriated images. The background color scheme uses the old Homeland Security warning system. This color scheme was a starting point to get myself experimenting and thinking more about the use of color in relation to this work.

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Artist Statement

Recognition of print, is weekly exercise in appropriating images from national newspapers. Each exercises is a work dealing with not only the translucency of print media but also how our memory processes certain types of images of a constant bombardment through the use of generative practices.In the begging of this project I would take daily national newspapers and scan every image from the front page section. Then I dissect each image to show it's basic outline structure and I use different random java and php scripts to to put the images into a visual form. Certain scripts work by using the refresh button, others randomly place the image on the page by themselves. There are also some works that change the image transparency on there own.

Each one of these characteristics has developed through out the process of this project. With this project I wanted to see what happens when I take images from multiple newspapers in a day or week and compare the images at random. In selecting the front page section of the newspapers my thinking was, I was appropriating the most important news of that time or day, or what is thought to be the most pertinent news. The process of selecting images has now become where I select similar images of representation or images that might relate to each other to create a narrative of that day or week. In continuing this project of the media print image, I want to show the circular power exchange of not only printed media but media in general and I believe this can only be shown by my continuation of this weekly exercise.


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