Endgame (2012)

The work which is called "Endgame". You will find the game as well as images and film clips from the game at: http://www.jimpalt.org/endgame

The new game is a free standing sequel to an earlier game, "Waiting For" which was commissioned by the Swedish Arts Grants Committee and released last fall. That game was inspired by the Samuel Becket play Waiting For Godot. To play and to read more about that game you can visit the adress:http://www.jimpalt.org/waitingfor

Like my earlier games, this new one is based on the computer game format without actually being a game in the traditional sense of the word. The work consists of a programmed interactive animation sequence, where the gaming element has been left out and what remains is a kind of theatre play that you control with your computer keyboard.

Full Description

The work which is called "Endgame". You will find the game as well as images and film clips from the game at: http://www.jimpalt.org/endgame

The new game is a free standing sequel to an earlier game, "Waiting For" which was commissioned by the Swedish Arts Grants Committee and released last fall. That game was inspired by the Samuel Becket play Waiting For Godot. To play and to read more about that game you can visit the adress:http://www.jimpalt.org/waitingfor

Like my earlier games, this new one is based on the computer game format without actually being a game in the traditional sense of the word. The work consists of a programmed interactive animation sequence, where the gaming element has been left out and what remains is a kind of theatre play that you control with your computer keyboard.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2012
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Thursday Jan 19th, 2012
  • Original Url: http://jimpalt.org/endgame
  • Work Credits:
    • olle_essvik_(jimpalt.org), primary creator
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