How Far from Us No_5.2007 -- Lu Jun Digital Ink & Wash (2011)

by Lu_Jun

These are virtual and digital images of mountains and water, unreal, changeful, tranquil and mysterious. They lie alive in our hearts as a spiritual utopian home and remain like that forever. However back in the real world, even though images of mountain and water can also be full of imagination, change, peace and magic, our hearts are literally drifting away from them further and further…

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These are virtual and digital images of mountains and water, unreal, changeful, tranquil and mysterious. They lie alive in our hearts as a spiritual utopian home and remain like that forever. However back in the real world, even though images of mountain and water can also be full of imagination, change, peace and magic, our hearts are literally drifting away from them further and further…

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