Pool (2011)

Mixed Media Installation with Interactive Video, 12’ x 14’ x 20’ Five channels of video recombine in response to viewers presence and movement. A viewer’s entry into the room initiates the program. Two motion sensors and two distance sensors select, mix and control four of the channels of video using custom software designed with Max MSP Jitter and controlled with an Arduino bread board. The idea is to create an analogue for the idiosyncratic layering and juxtaposition that occurs in dreams, memories and stream of consciousness. Projection onto a seven foot in diameter aluminum pool creates an additional layer of depth. Viewers can get a different perspective on the installation from a five foot tall life guard chair. The underwater footage in these shots was captured using an HD camera using an underwater housing. Choreographer Linda K Johnson is the figure in the pool. At the end of the vimeo ...

Full Description

Mixed Media Installation with Interactive Video, 12’ x 14’ x 20’ Five channels of video recombine in response to viewers presence and movement. A viewer’s entry into the room initiates the program. Two motion sensors and two distance sensors select, mix and control four of the channels of video using custom software designed with Max MSP Jitter and controlled with an Arduino bread board. The idea is to create an analogue for the idiosyncratic layering and juxtaposition that occurs in dreams, memories and stream of consciousness. Projection onto a seven foot in diameter aluminum pool creates an additional layer of depth. Viewers can get a different perspective on the installation from a five foot tall life guard chair. The underwater footage in these shots was captured using an HD camera using an underwater housing. Choreographer Linda K Johnson is the figure in the pool. At the end of the vimeo clip included above there is a 30 second sequence showing the program on the screen and “the man behind the curtain” interactive media programmer Jim Bell.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2011
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Monday Oct 17th, 2011
  • Original Url: http://vimeo.com/25607605
  • Work Credits:
    • fernandad'agostino, primary creator
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