"Destroyed Music (After Milan Knizak) (2011)

“Destroyed Music (After Milan Knizak) - Chris Reeves, 2011 Milan Knizak’s (b. 1940) Fluxus pieces, “Broken Music” and “Destroyed Music” consist of defaced, smashed and reconstructed, and broken and unplayable records, cassettes, and cds. Eventually Knizak approached these objects in a more decorative fashion, hinting at implied music that wasn’t there. My piece “Destroyed Music (After Milan Knizak)” takes this as a cue, supplying the visual referent of an Itunes mp3 icon (sometimes what is looked at while listening to, or identifying, music on a computer). It is “broken” or “destroyed” in the sense that clicking on it does not play any music, and this is further enforced by the “X” placed across the icon.

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Found icon created in a Microsoft word document saved and edited as a jpeg.

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Artist Statement

Chris Reeves is a curator and artist from Cincinnati who works largely in paper on paper collage, and "old media," media art that has been reified to its most literal point that allows its escape of just the mimic of painterly tradition.

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