Assignment 3_The absent present (2011)

by evita d

Double Channel Video Project. Inspired by the alienation caused by the miniaturization of technology.

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The miniaturisation of technology has allowed us to "carry" our identity "on the go". In particular with the proliferation of the smartphones people have in the palm of their hand their agenda, their contacts, their music, their favorite media sources' app, their pictures and so on. My HTC smartphone embodies who I am and what I like and depending on my volition and mood I can almost neutralize my immediate surrounding environment while walking and preserve my territorial sense of self and being; I can listen to Stevie Wonder as I walk, listen to my podcast, audio book or chat with my best friend in Greece, without participating in my immediate context. I don't respond emotionally or cognitively to the homeless person on the street, to the sound of the ambulance, to the street activists protesting about animal rights. All of that is automatically blocked out of my consciousness and relegated to a back round noise. Sure, in a way I am "presently absent"; to the extent that I am consumed by my endogenous reality; to the reality I choose to as opposed to the immediate one. I signal "not available" to my fellow by passers, I look around me less, listen less and certainly do not interact.

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