stateless plug-in (2011)

The ‘stateless plug-in’ is an extension for your browser that intervenes in digital territory, transforming the issue of stateless people into a multifaceted digital mapping of existing knowledge and information on the Internet.

By interconnecting an extensive range of positions on statelessness in an unanticipated way, the stateless plug-in generates an unpredicted non-linear and dynamic storyline with space for unanticipated thoughts and connections. This project offers a critical comment towards the lack of attention on the issue by beseeching the users attention through the infiltration of their usual browsing behaviour.

Full Description

A stateless person is someone with no citizenship or nationality. According to the United Nations and Refugees International, an estimated 12-15 million people in the world are not citizens of any state, and are therefore inherently deprived of the right to have rights.

The issue of statelessness is largely underrepresented and unseen, similarly to stateless people themselves. Therefore, this project collects and filters a vast amount of significant, yet disconnected sources on the issue, ranging across diverse issues, medias, qualities, characteristics and perspectives.

This browser extension can be downloaded for free and installed in Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari or Google Chrome. It functions in the background of your browser, which means that it affects the information on the websites that you browse while maintaining the full regular functionalities of your chosen browser.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2011
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Friday Aug 26th, 2011
  • Original Url:
  • Work Credits:
    • michellechristensen, primary creator
  • Collective: Conradi/Christensen (
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