See Hear Now (2011)

"See Hear Now" is an interactive audiovisual installation by David Fodel, that connects perception to play and interference to memory.

The installation is composed of 2 related components, the Modulator and the Modulations.

Full Description

"See Hear Now" is an interactive audiovisual installation by David Fodel, that connects perception to play and interference to memory.

The installation is composed of 2 related components, the Modulator and the Modulations.

The Modulator is a modified arcade-style gaming cabinet, complete with functioning customized coinOp() mechanism. Custom software creates simple sine waves that are tuned to generate specific harmonics both visually and sonically.

Operating the knobs and buttons on the console allows the user of the work to become coauthor of the output, and to have a unique individual experience each time the worked is “played”.

The Modulations are silk-screen prints; artifacts of the process of operating the Modulator. Each print is a series of screen captures, snapshots of the session, memories of the experience.

Our senses are intricately interwoven and our impressions of the world are created through those sensory apparatus. We create connections, we invest our attention, and we engage in the world through enacted perception. The game console is analogous to that mode of perception. We make an investment, insert a quarter, and we use our body, turning knobs and pressing buttons, mixing the sights and sounds, creating interference patterns that collide and construct. In this process we generate memories, artifacts of this process, represented by the silk-screen prints, the Modulations, which are the direct output of the Modulator unit.

Special thanks to Paco from Object+Thought studio, and to Alec Vance for the Sinewave Workshop.

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