Cloud (2011)

Miniature artificial house shaped clouds are created 'on the fly' in order to critique the global fallout as a result of the bursting of the US housing bubble. Size and frequency of cloud generation render local hosing capacity to consumption ratios into a stream of lighter than air clouds.

Full Description

Aotearoa Version 2.0 2011 / custom software and electronics, surfactant, helium and compressed air

Miniature artificial house shaped clouds are created 'on the fly' in order to critique the global fallout as a result of the bursting of the US housing bubble. Size and frequency of cloud generation render local hosing capacity to consumption ratios into a stream of lighter than air clouds.

The work consists of a mobile enclosure that uses a special surfactant infused with helium and air to extrude artificial clouds into the air. Local housing data related to housing capacity vs consumption controls the timing of the cloud generation.

Aotearoa Version 1.0 This project was initially developed by SWAMP at New Zealand's Colab institute in Wellington. The title 'Aotearoa' is a Māori word that can be translated into 'the land of the long white cloud'.

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