'The Secret' (2011)

In Art the focus of subject matter has sifted as well. In the past the main focus was Man's relation with nature and God. Today the focus falls mainly on people. What we do and the things we make and how we feel about them. It is all about the instrumental value of things. Our Enviromental ethics are lost in a big swarm of anthropocentricness (human centredness).

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Work done in Oil Charcoal & Oil on Canvas

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All the day to day clichès: "Art imates life", "Life imates Art"...

Life is Art and "Art is in the eye of the beholder" Problem here is , there are now so many beholders.

Too many people, opinions (informed or not). Ideas flowing and conseptualizing, spilling over the side. '15 Minutes of fame' became 15 seconds of fame.

I sketch therefore I am. I look for the simple beauty...

The balance is lost. Kirstenbosch has become a zoo for normal nature. Our Milieu has shifted. Our climate has changed. Our surroundings has to be re-examend and all this effects our everyday existance.

We need to re-think the way we live and create and to try and re-establish balance between nature and us. We need to apply traditional ethical theories (including consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics) to support contemporary environmental concerns. It will take a little bit of effort but change is always a good thing.

In Art the focus of subject matter has sifted as well. In the past the main focus was Man's relation with nature and God. Today the focus falls mainly on people. What we do and the things we make and how we feel about them. It is all about the instrumental value of things. Our Enviromental ethics are lost in a big swarm of anthropocentricness (human centredness).

We need time to focus on Simplicity. The quiet landscape. The basic balance of trees growing against gravity and ever expanding cities.

The ever retreating landscape...

'Simplicity is Art'


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