Ur-writings (2011)

Ur-writings: A series of works tracing the auto-affective inscriptions of the earth upon itself. Ur-writings respond to Rilke’s ‘demand to put under the needle and try out a “variety of lines, occurring anywhere”‘, a personal desire to drag a needle across the surface of the earth, and a suspicion that to do so entails indexing an archival substrate immanent to one’s own mind.

This is a process of tracing ‘meaningless’ and illegible inscriptions that are nonetheless informative, of following distorted lines and figures that cross both the history of phonography and recent geophilosophical speculation. Each iteration of the process entails tracing the contours of a particular geological rupture or protrusion, the abstraction of its structure, and its re-inscription into wood and vinyl. Various other mediums are implicated along the way.

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