Echoes (2002)

Who are the heroes of today? What will be the echoes of tomorrow?

Echoes is a project of "field recordings" and is about the relation between culture/nature, the contemporary socio-economic ecology. It questions the control of nature by man, against the exhaustion of the natural resources. It is also a reflection on the way in which our signs invade space. To some extent small insects are the inhabitants of an empty landscape, hardly distinct, their movements frantic; they are activated, reactive and chaotic behaviors.

The ambient sounds come from sharp recordings; they are sound documents. The sound unit is a composition brought about by its visual assembly on screen, a possible disorganization presented to Net surfers, generating a travelling euphoria as a mode of interactive relation.

Will the abusive use of the natural goods by corporations have repercussions? How will they be reflected? Which worlds will leave us ...

Full Description

Who are the heroes of today? What will be the echoes of tomorrow?

Echoes is a project of "field recordings" and is about the relation between culture/nature, the contemporary socio-economic ecology. It questions the control of nature by man, against the exhaustion of the natural resources. It is also a reflection on the way in which our signs invade space. To some extent small insects are the inhabitants of an empty landscape, hardly distinct, their movements frantic; they are activated, reactive and chaotic behaviors.

The ambient sounds come from sharp recordings; they are sound documents. The sound unit is a composition brought about by its visual assembly on screen, a possible disorganization presented to Net surfers, generating a travelling euphoria as a mode of interactive relation.

Will the abusive use of the natural goods by corporations have repercussions? How will they be reflected? Which worlds will leave us the heroes of today?

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