a.ofu ()

by shira

::"The most fatal illusion is the narrow point of view" (Brooks Atkinson)::

tryto.listen.to))a.ofu (a point of view) is a manifest about the war in the middle east, trying to explain why everything is going right winged instead of the right way. combining textual and visual ideas, it brings forward an opinion scarcely represented in the main stream media, using internet and net:art as a plat:form for a political message as well as artistic and esthetic contents.

featured on a.ofu "graffEti::walls of protest" is a resistance project, using a java paint program. everyone is encouraged to create their own personal graffEti and contribute a wall of resistance to the gallery.

::"To die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble. But how much nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true!"(H. L. Mencken)::

Full Description

::"The most fatal illusion is the narrow point of view" (Brooks Atkinson)::

tryto.listen.to))a.ofu (a point of view) is a manifest about the war in the middle east, trying to explain why everything is going right winged instead of the right way. combining textual and visual ideas, it brings forward an opinion scarcely represented in the main stream media, using internet and net:art as a plat:form for a political message as well as artistic and esthetic contents.

featured on a.ofu "graffEti::walls of protest" is a resistance project, using a java paint program. everyone is encouraged to create their own personal graffEti and contribute a wall of resistance to the gallery.

::"To die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble. But how much nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true!"(H. L. Mencken)::

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