One Liner Videos (2011)

A collection of very short videos, for showcasing on informal occasions. The videos explore the socializing and artistic potential of multimedia mobile devices such as iPhone (originally developed for a Portable Media Center). The videos act as jokes in the flow of a natural conversation.

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A collection of very short videos, for showcasing on informal occasions. The videos explore the socializing and artistic potential of multimedia mobile devices such as iPhone (originally developed for a Portable Media Center). The videos function as jokes in the flow of a natural conversation. Playful, amusing, supershort, and faithful to do-it-yourself mentality, the videos are made mostly in stop motion with simple equipment, and free or home-made software. Instant works for instant times, conceived and executed in matter of minutes, they offer immediate gratification while revolving around several broad topics: emotions, food, music, and funny side of everyday life.

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