wall and floor piece: combination 8 ( diamond) (2011)

This wall and floor piece has been documented at each stage (of 18 additions and substractions) of it's modular composition. The image you see here, is the 8th addition to the piece.

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Size: 2200mm x 3400mm

Medium: Linseed oil and pigment on Rag Paper.

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Artist Statement

I am a Melbourne based artist and musician, playing in the bands Love of Diagrams and Beaches. I have also just completed a research MA in fine art at RMIT. My ongoing art project explores the multiple combinations that may be created using a simple system of modular tessellation. I am exploring the varying visual pathways, warpages and spatial distortions that may occur from the use of a system which can remain at the same time, both concrete and intuitive. I arrange and assemble my work in a variety of different architectural spaces and am also interested in these way spaces intervene with the art work itself and how it functions. My blog http://widergalaxy.blogspot.com/ sets out to document this process.


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