Five Elsewhere (2002)

"five elsewhere" is the result of a double collaboration. At the beginning the city of Les Mureaux and Nicolas Clauss, artist in residence at the Multimedia Culture Space of Les Mureaux, have come together to organize a workshop for a multimedia creation on themes such as elsewhere and memory.

Then five women and men, Senegalese, Moroccan, Peruvian, Algerian and Malian by birth have contributed to the project. This journey consists of interactive scenes which rebuild/reinvent their memories from recorded interviews, and as well from personal objects, and pictures and objects found during the workshop.

Full Description

"five elsewhere" is the result of a double collaboration. At the beginning the city of Les Mureaux and Nicolas Clauss, artist in residence at the Multimedia Culture Space of Les Mureaux, have come together to organize a workshop for a multimedia creation on themes such as elsewhere and memory.

Then five women and men, Senegalese, Moroccan, Peruvian, Algerian and Malian by birth have contributed to the project. This journey consists of interactive scenes which rebuild/reinvent their memories from recorded interviews, and as well from personal objects, and pictures and objects found during the workshop.

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