Lucky and Wild (2010)

Lucky and Wild is: a document of time spent at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri, a collection of video game and electronic music experiments, an exercise in creating an ergodic album, an incomplete hummingbird encyclopedia, an ode to prisms and pinball machines, and primarily a nation-spanning digital collaboration between Ben Seretan, Angus McCullough, Spencer Sheridan and Ralph Hogaboom

Full Description

Lucky and Wild is both a product and the documentation of its own production, a collection of digital presentations of personal experiences and a compilation of visual stimuli drawn from an album of music conceived while playing dilapidated pinball machines in triple-digit heat. It is a large digital download package available for free, meant to be experienced in any order you like but preferably all at once. It uses the viewer's desktop as the presentation method for art that explores the typology of the file folder, data subdivision as well as the lives of hummingbirds.

A collaboration between musician Ben Seretan and visual artist Angus McCullough, it began as a simple working relationship to create album art for a collection of electronic music produced while Seretan was in Missouri. But somewhere in the process the product became something completely different, ballooning in size and scope to include additional video work by Spencer Sheridan and web development by Mighty Kitten Records from beautiful Hoquiam, Washington.

From a review on Ampeater Music:

"Lucky & Wild is not the usual breed of cool. The brew is far stranger than the ingredients would indicate. Let’s discuss the recent release OOO, an unpronounceable title which Seretan describes as a “typographic and computer friendly way to represent three periods, three circles, etc.” and which is anything but an album. In addition to eleven audio files, it includes a video, photos, drawings, cryptic graphs supplemented by a series of ‘renderings’ that pose more questions than they resolve, excerpts from emails between Seretan and McCullough, a Cherokee fable and other obscure literary selections—all vaguely related to the theme of hummingbirds, production notes as incomprehensible as Gertrude Stein’s diary, and copious bibliographical credits."

Lucky and Wild is a large collection of interconnected media, available for free at

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2010
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Saturday Apr 23rd, 2011
  • Original Url:
  • Work Credits:
    • Ben Seretan, primary creator
    • Angus McCullough, Primary creator
    • Spencer Sheridan, Video artist
    • Ralph Hogaboom, Web design and hosting
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