Life Has Seasons (2011)

It is my kinetic typography inspired by the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season."

Full Description

It is my kinetic typography inspired by the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season." I believe that life has seasons. It has Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and then, Spring again, as circle. At my age, 37 years old, now I suffer from Heart disease. I think that my life may be in the Winter. I designed this typography with my hope that my health condition gets recovered as if the spring comes again every year as circle. My animation begins with Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter as loop. Each animation is not the same, but unique and new, based on random positions where branches and leaves grow up as if every season is always new for us.

Technical References: Binary Tree Algorithm Geomerative Library and Caligraft(,) by Richard Marxer Processing by Casey Reas and Ben Fry Font: Stanford from and

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Artist Statement

It is my kinetic typography inspired by the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season." I believe that life has seasons. It has Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and then, Spring again, as circle. At my age, 37 years old, now I suffer from Heart disease. I think that my life may be in the Winter. I designed this typography with my hope that my health condition gets recovered as if the spring comes again every year as circle. My animation begins with Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter as loop. Each animation is not the same, but unique and new, based on random positions where branches and leaves grow up as if every season is always new for us.


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