Miracle of Chile (2011)

Miracle of Chile is a multifaceted art project investigating Milton Friedman's famous phrase "Miracle of Chile". The art project consists of a workshop, public situation, bus intervention and a virtual labyrinth. Each element asks participants in Chile (the first country to fully adopt neoliberalism) to identify the Miracle of Chile as reflected in personal lives and civil space.

Full Description

Miracle of Chile is a multifaceted art project investigating Milton Friedman's famous phrase "Miracle of Chile." In 1981 Friedman declared the phrase to reflect a transformation of Chile's economy through a neoliberal formula of privatization, deregulation of markets and cuts to social spending.

Today, we live in the midst of a global economic crisis that has lead us to question neoliberal philosophy. The art project consists of a workshop, public situation, bus intervention and a virtual labyrinth. Each element asks participants in Chile (the first country to fully adopt neoliberalism) to identify the Miracle of Chile as reflected in personal lives and civil space.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2011
  • Original Url: http://miracleofchile.com/
  • Work Credits:
    • Ricardo Miranda Zuniga, primary creator
    • Kurt Olmstead, collaborator
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