Hannelore Krieg (2011)

Hannelore Krieg is not only the title of the work - it's also the Name of a 87 year old German Woman living in Switzerland. When she was 7 she experienced World War 2 at its center of action, in the German town "Tilsit" (Today it's called Sowetsk and part of Russia).

A 58 min video-interview shows her in her cozy living room telling chronolically what she experienced in those years. Fortunately she was a child, she never had a trauma about what she saw and experienced in war, and can tell of things like Russian bombers like it all was a game.

It's not a simple video work – it's an interactive installation: When a visitor walks away from the video monitor, the film and it's sound freeze and from the back of the room there comes another sound layer. A sound-sample from found footage, with different noise which people born in the 80's associate with war (tv correspondents, sirens, hollywood war movies...).

With distance (moving to the video monitor – moving away from the video monitor) the viewer can decide if he wants to hear the 'war-sound' our generation is familiar with – or if he wants to get the 'modern' war sound off and hear what Hannelore Krieg tells.

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Interactive 1-channel-video/2-channel-sound installation Distance sensors

Being controlled with distance sensors Software written with 'Pure Data (PD)'

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