streET view (2011)

The final images were remapped on google map. Someone will notice that photos are manipulated or not? Now the city of New York is populated by ET that appears to be so good that people, in the photos, seem almost indifferent to his presence.

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Internet offers many options for searching images. Every day, millions of images are loaded on the server, thus beginning to belong to the web. If you want to visit a place with a click, visual democracy is at hand. Applications like street view, google maps extension, are now in common use, as well as virtual travel in city mapped. The places are become so familiar, through visual democracy, that the virtual experience, in many cases, it seems to be preferred to the real one. What could cause wonder in this virtual tour? If we saw the city of New York populated by alien, we be surprised? The chaos of the images allow us to assess objectively what we see? From these considerations comes the series streET view. With street view were chosen random pictures of New York and have been manipulated in order to create a new reality. The final images were created almost entirely with web content. The monitor has become like the lens of a camera. The photograph becomes net-photography. The final images were remapped on google map. Someone will notice that photos are manipulated or not? Now the city of New York is populated by ET that appears to be so good that people, in the photos, seem almost indifferent to his presence.

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