Project Window (2011)

Project Window is based on transmissions between two cities in order to create direct contact between audiences. The transmissions are made using Skype, a program with the possibility of live interaction through audio and video, so the public can hear and see the each other. The party from each city will be projected at the other and with audio from the other side as well, to create a simultaneous experience. Each city has drinks, snacks and music to make the mood for their party and to share with the other city. Guests are encouraged to interact however they want, creating a fun and playful atmosphere.

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Images are from connections between Merida and Mexico City; Montreal, Canada; Guadalajara, Mexico; San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico; Cordoba, Argentina and Valparaiso, Chile.

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To this date, I have already done this dynamic with several cities: Montreal, Canada; Mexico City and Guadalajara in Mexico; Cordoba, Argentina and Valparaiso, Chile. Later this year, we will also do it in Brighton, UK and New Dehli, India. Each city presents a new dynamic of interaction due to time zones and language barriers, but also the personality of each host plays a huge role. I find it very interesting how every city decides to represent themselves through their parties, from what they drink, what music they play, and how they interact with the other side. At the end, I sort of get the sense that the transmissions become a kind of reality show. We’ve had live concerts from one city to another, people take signs and place them on the walls for the other side to see, others take representative objects from their city or culture and share them, we’ve taken turns playing music for each other, etc. Anything and everything can happen, it’s always different and it’s always fun for both sides.

The documentation from previous connections is on the website (info is in English too):


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