Invention of Memory (2011)

by 1052388

An installation created in collaboration with Frank DuFour. Exhibited at Central Trak, Dallas TX May-July, 2010.

From a review appearing in Art Lies...

Also seeking to stimulate the viewer by soliciting personal engagement is Thomas Riccio and Frank Dufour’s The Invention of Memory, where the artist pair employs multiple media to create a quasi-kinetic receptacle for “vocal and visual memories.” A mystical-looking outhouse of sorts, their contribution echoes Rauschenberg’s visceral assemblages of common materials. Various items flank each side of the tall wooden unit, while its backside supports a flat screen computer monitor with a jumpy black-and-white video; the receptacle for the viewer’s memories hangs on the structure’s right side. The proximity of the screen and receptacle does not aid in clarifying their relationship to each other despite the artists’ explanation (printed and hung on the structure’s left panel) that “memory-bearing” objects contribute to a service market. Adding to the mystery of the work, the edifice’s tattered front door is ajar, revealing a video projection on the interior floor that is identical to that playing on the exterior backside. Fraught with associations, the ambiguity of this object/experience perhaps speaks to the inscrutable nature of producing meaning in the art world...

Art Lies

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2011
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Sunday Feb 6th, 2011
  • Work Credits:
    • Thomas Riccio, co-creator
    • Frank DuFour, co-creator
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