by 1068665

JANUARY 1 - APRIL 30, 2011

HUNTER COLE Living Drawings, 2010 installation (movie of drawings created with bioluminescent bacteria, two painted plastic toys art, size 2,5 x 2 x 1,5 in and one plastic cube size and label, size 1 x 1 x 1 in

These Living Drawings depict the cycle of life and death calling attention to our own mortality. Hunter Cole creates controlled line drawings using bioluminescent bacteria. The bacteria then grow on Petri dishes. The bacteria grow, first appearing with bright light, then dim and gradually die off as available nutrients are depleted. Bacteria are photographed using a time-lapse technique over a two-week period. Bacteria become collaborators in the art as it grows and dies. The bacteria contribute to the story in the art. A musical score created by the Hunter Cole for the movie is based on protein sequences found in the bacteria. ...

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JANUARY 1 - APRIL 30, 2011

HUNTER COLE Living Drawings, 2010 installation (movie of drawings created with bioluminescent bacteria, two painted plastic toys art, size 2,5 x 2 x 1,5 in and one plastic cube size and label, size 1 x 1 x 1 in

These Living Drawings depict the cycle of life and death calling attention to our own mortality. Hunter Cole creates controlled line drawings using bioluminescent bacteria. The bacteria then grow on Petri dishes. The bacteria grow, first appearing with bright light, then dim and gradually die off as available nutrients are depleted. Bacteria are photographed using a time-lapse technique over a two-week period. Bacteria become collaborators in the art as it grows and dies. The bacteria contribute to the story in the art. A musical score created by the Hunter Cole for the movie is based on protein sequences found in the bacteria. The full-length version is available for exhibition.

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