Sine.Magnet.Phosphoresced - Audio/Video Installation - Kyle Evans (2010)

by 1076094

*Note: Internal laptop speakers will not properly reproduce the low frequency sounds utilized in the piece, please uses external speakers.

-This is documentation of a recent audio/visual installation that explores an analogues relationship between sound and image. Sound is generated and modified algorithmically and is visualized through the utilization of the phosphorescent capabilities of antiquated television technology. Each television has been modified to display the electrical signal associated with the sound transforming it into patterns and imagery.

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*Note: Internal laptop speakers will not properly reproduce the low frequency sounds utilized in the piece, please uses external speakers.

-This is documentation of a recent audio/visual installation that explores an analogues relationship between sound and image. Sound is generated and modified algorithmically and is visualized through the utilization of the phosphorescent capabilities of antiquated television technology. Each television has been modified to display the electrical signal associated with the sound transforming it into patterns and imagery.

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