Zipperhead First Narration (Rehearsal at 17 Frost) (2010)

by 1077007

Rehearsing Zipperhead at 17 Frost Williamsburg Brooklyn.

A multi-media theater experience, featuring music from Sineparade and video art on three screens courtesy of Alex Itin, this show focuses on a banker who escaped the 9/11 attacks by being in a hotel banging his secretary instead of at his desk.Watch (and listen!) as the drama unfolds.

Full Description

Rehearsing Zipperhead at 17 Frost Williamsburg Brooklyn.

A multi-media theater experience, featuring music from Sineparade and video art on three screens courtesy of Alex Itin, this show focuses on a banker who escaped the 9/11 attacks by being in a hotel banging his secretary instead of at his desk.Watch (and listen!) as the drama unfolds.

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