Stratachrome (2010)

by 1069437

David Spriggs, Stratachrome

(1524 x 366 x 213 cm), (600 x 144 x 84 inches) green acrylic paint on multiple sheets of transparent film, installation at Galerie de l'UQAM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2010.

Stratachrome, is the first in the new series of work considering contemporary notions of colour, and their relation to issues of power and perception. Using the structure of the gallery itself, the installation is created by layering painted sheets of transparent film which are hung between floor and ceiling to reveal both two and three-dimensional imagery. The work occupies nearly the entire field of vision in the gallery, producing a cinematic green screen effect in which the iconography reads like a montage composed so as to simultaneously fuse and confuse the information. Presented as if in suspended animation, this luminous installation offers a synthesized perception of various symbols; whose chromatic resonances belong to the military, pornographic, artistic, ...

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David Spriggs, Stratachrome

(1524 x 366 x 213 cm), (600 x 144 x 84 inches) green acrylic paint on multiple sheets of transparent film, installation at Galerie de l'UQAM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2010.

Stratachrome, is the first in the new series of work considering contemporary notions of colour, and their relation to issues of power and perception. Using the structure of the gallery itself, the installation is created by layering painted sheets of transparent film which are hung between floor and ceiling to reveal both two and three-dimensional imagery. The work occupies nearly the entire field of vision in the gallery, producing a cinematic green screen effect in which the iconography reads like a montage composed so as to simultaneously fuse and confuse the information. Presented as if in suspended animation, this luminous installation offers a synthesized perception of various symbols; whose chromatic resonances belong to the military, pornographic, artistic, social, and technological spheres.

Stratachrome: strāt'ə ˈkrōm . noun. Any image or object developed or executed in multiple planes or layers of colour

Stratachromic: strāt'əˈkrəʊmɪk . adjective. Of an image or object consisting of multiple planes or layers of colour Derivative- from modern Latin strata -- layers, and Greek chroma - pure colour

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