Hello World! or: How I Learned to Stop Listening and Love the Noise (2010)

by 1073799

Christopher Baker is an artist whose work engages the rich collection of social, technological and ideological networks present in the urban landscape. He creates artifacts and situations that reveal and generate relationships within and between these networks.

Christopher’s work has been presented in festivals, galleries and museums internationally including The Soap Factory, Form+Content Gallery, The Minnesota Museum of American Artists, The Minneapolis Fringe Festival, the Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Art, Millenaris Park in Budapest, Hungary, Huset i Magstræde in Copenhagen, Denmark and the Pixelache Festival in Helsinki, Finland. Christopher’s print work was recently published in ID Magazine and the book Data Flow: Visualising Information in Graphic Design.

Baker recently completed his Master of Fine Arts in Experimental and Media Arts at the University of Minnesota. He is now the senior artist-in-residence at the Kitchen Budapest, an experimental media arts lab in Hungary. In his previous life as a ...

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Christopher Baker is an artist whose work engages the rich collection of social, technological and ideological networks present in the urban landscape. He creates artifacts and situations that reveal and generate relationships within and between these networks.

Christopher’s work has been presented in festivals, galleries and museums internationally including The Soap Factory, Form+Content Gallery, The Minnesota Museum of American Artists, The Minneapolis Fringe Festival, the Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Art, Millenaris Park in Budapest, Hungary, Huset i Magstræde in Copenhagen, Denmark and the Pixelache Festival in Helsinki, Finland. Christopher’s print work was recently published in ID Magazine and the book Data Flow: Visualising Information in Graphic Design.

Baker recently completed his Master of Fine Arts in Experimental and Media Arts at the University of Minnesota. He is now the senior artist-in-residence at the Kitchen Budapest, an experimental media arts lab in Hungary. In his previous life as a scientist, Christopher worked to develop brain-computer interfaces at the University of Minnesota and UCLA.

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