A trip to the moon (2010)

by 1057601

Georges Méliès, a professional magician, became a cinema director. Inspired his illusionistic skills from the stage, he developed many trick techniques into cinema. Cutting and editing movements in shots for teleportation, overlapping figures shot multiples times to give an illusion of a same person existing in multiplicity, etc. Inspired by his pioneering techniques, I have decided to put his logic to the extreme. Using the dvd version of the pioneer’s 1902 film “A trip to the moon”, I have divided all the frames and randomized the order of frames and put them back together on the timeline to form a complete video work, which has the same duration as the original film. All narrative understanding is destroyed from the randomized sequence, however, the viewer still takes in the whole visual images whether or not the understanding happens. It is a visual experience without the narrative, a moving picture.

Full Description

Georges Méliès, a professional magician, became a cinema director. Inspired his illusionistic skills from the stage, he developed many trick techniques into cinema. Cutting and editing movements in shots for teleportation, overlapping figures shot multiples times to give an illusion of a same person existing in multiplicity, etc. Inspired by his pioneering techniques, I have decided to put his logic to the extreme. Using the dvd version of the pioneer’s 1902 film “A trip to the moon”, I have divided all the frames and randomized the order of frames and put them back together on the timeline to form a complete video work, which has the same duration as the original film. All narrative understanding is destroyed from the randomized sequence, however, the viewer still takes in the whole visual images whether or not the understanding happens. It is a visual experience without the narrative, a moving picture.

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