The Wild Bunch (timing shots) (2010)

by 1057601

Each shot of the whole film of The Wild Bunch (Dir. Sam Peckinpah), known for its hectic action sequence editing which set a precedent for action films that followed it, is timed using a burnt-in timecode displayed on top of the video. This is used in the video production environment for checking the timing of video. In this work, only the timecode remains without the actual film. The burnt-in timecode matched to the duration of the shots before it switches to the next shot makes the decisions of the film editor visible, which is geared toward putting the viewer in a certain state of mind. As Stanley Kubrick asserted, “editing is the only unique aspect of filmmaking which does not resemble any other art form.” (p. 52, Stanley Kubrick Directs, 1972) And this work focuses on this aspect while erasing the every other aspect in filmmaking.

Full Description

Each shot of the whole film of The Wild Bunch (Dir. Sam Peckinpah), known for its hectic action sequence editing which set a precedent for action films that followed it, is timed using a burnt-in timecode displayed on top of the video. This is used in the video production environment for checking the timing of video. In this work, only the timecode remains without the actual film. The burnt-in timecode matched to the duration of the shots before it switches to the next shot makes the decisions of the film editor visible, which is geared toward putting the viewer in a certain state of mind. As Stanley Kubrick asserted, “editing is the only unique aspect of filmmaking which does not resemble any other art form.” (p. 52, Stanley Kubrick Directs, 1972) And this work focuses on this aspect while erasing the every other aspect in filmmaking.

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