National UFO Reporting Agency reported sitings, 1925-2009 (2010)

by 1072168

"National UFO Reporting Center reported sitings, 1925-2009" is an attempt to visualize the number and frequency of civilian sitings of various shapes of UFOs as reported to an official government agency. This interactive data visualization consists of two basic interfaces; the first displays the increasing frequency of various UFO shapes from the years 1925 through the present, while the second allows the user to select individual years to explore the frequency of sited shapes. While the colors representing the individual UFO shapes were chosen arbitrarily, the variation in color allows the user to differentiate between different UFOS in both interfaces, whether it be only by color, or both color and shape.

Full Description

"National UFO Reporting Center reported sitings, 1925-2009" is an attempt to visualize the number and frequency of civilian sitings of various shapes of UFOs as reported to an official government agency. This interactive data visualization consists of two basic interfaces; the first displays the increasing frequency of various UFO shapes from the years 1925 through the present, while the second allows the user to select individual years to explore the frequency of sited shapes. While the colors representing the individual UFO shapes were chosen arbitrarily, the variation in color allows the user to differentiate between different UFOS in both interfaces, whether it be only by color, or both color and shape.

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