Outfield (2010)

by 1001127

Outfield is a kinetic installation made from a variety of sound-producing electromechanical objects and an array of small loudspeakers. The objects (motors and relays which activate mechanical devices) are controlled by a set of microprocessors that communicate with each other and form a neural network that shapes the overall behavior of the installation. The loudspeakers play subtly-altered recordings of the objects; these recordings blend with and augment the acoustic space generated by the objects. As they do so they reveal delicate distinctions in texture between the live and recorded sounds. As a result, a complex set of systemic interrelationships and causalities emerges over time from the actions of the individual objects, the patterns of their activities, and the interplay between live and recorded sound. The viewer and listener is immersed in a continually shifting field of the physical sounds of electronic activity, and electronic sounds of physical motion.

The combination ...

Full Description

Outfield is a kinetic installation made from a variety of sound-producing electromechanical objects and an array of small loudspeakers. The objects (motors and relays which activate mechanical devices) are controlled by a set of microprocessors that communicate with each other and form a neural network that shapes the overall behavior of the installation. The loudspeakers play subtly-altered recordings of the objects; these recordings blend with and augment the acoustic space generated by the objects. As they do so they reveal delicate distinctions in texture between the live and recorded sounds. As a result, a complex set of systemic interrelationships and causalities emerges over time from the actions of the individual objects, the patterns of their activities, and the interplay between live and recorded sound. The viewer and listener is immersed in a continually shifting field of the physical sounds of electronic activity, and electronic sounds of physical motion.

The combination of kinetic, sonic, and visual elements serves to create an immersive environment in which the terrain of activity continually shifts and evolves in an organic manner. The behaviors of Outfield form a deeply layered physical hocketing (call and response patterning) which blend sound and physical space in a visceral manner.

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