Submit Button @ EMAF 2006 (2010)

by 1067554

My back then professor Olia Lialina is pressing the real Submit Button, a 50 by 100 cm large-scale real-life model of the virtual one used in Windows 95 (with Internet Explorer 4). As one can see, it can be hung to a wall and because it consists of foam material it also can be pressed. It was a contribution to the group exhibition "The First 10 Years" at Merz Akademie Stuttgart celebrating the first ten years of world wide web and memorialiing the webs first user generation. In the meantime it was hung to walls at EMAF Osnabrück in 2006, in Chaos Computer Club Headquarters in 2007, at Tacheles Berlin in 2008 and now as a classic is featured in the Digital Folklore Reader.

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My back then professor Olia Lialina is pressing the real Submit Button, a 50 by 100 cm large-scale real-life model of the virtual one used in Windows 95 (with Internet Explorer 4). As one can see, it can be hung to a wall and because it consists of foam material it also can be pressed. It was a contribution to the group exhibition "The First 10 Years" at Merz Akademie Stuttgart celebrating the first ten years of world wide web and memorialiing the webs first user generation. In the meantime it was hung to walls at EMAF Osnabrück in 2006, in Chaos Computer Club Headquarters in 2007, at Tacheles Berlin in 2008 and now as a classic is featured in the Digital Folklore Reader.

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