LOVE (2010)

by 1070581

Like a raging self consuming fire, our emotions are often a tangled heated mess capable of destroying barns, bicycles, and bank accounts. You will be audience to the shocking truth behind your malicious moods. See the stunted fangs of Rage settle sour scores, smell the FEAR drip down your pant leg and experience the dust devil confusion of unconditional LOVE.

Song: The Surface of the Ocean Matt Lavelle: composition and alto clarinet Jason Kao Hwang: viola Lola Danza: vocals Francois Grillot: bass Recorded,mixed,and mastered by Francois Grillot ‪‬

Full Description

Like a raging self consuming fire, our emotions are often a tangled heated mess capable of destroying barns, bicycles, and bank accounts. You will be audience to the shocking truth behind your malicious moods. See the stunted fangs of Rage settle sour scores, smell the FEAR drip down your pant leg and experience the dust devil confusion of unconditional LOVE.

Song: The Surface of the Ocean Matt Lavelle: composition and alto clarinet Jason Kao Hwang: viola Lola Danza: vocals Francois Grillot: bass Recorded,mixed,and mastered by Francois Grillot ‪‬

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