Disconnect (2010)

by 1062219

Trying to make sense of our world is becoming more complex daily. Information streams into our consciousness from a growing number of digital devices but how do we connect it, how do we assemble the context? The institutions that we deal with use ‘disconnect’ as their modus operandi… the right hand never knows what the left hand is doing. The frustrations we experience can be overwhelming, and then sometimes it’s just unbelievably absurd.

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Trying to make sense of our world is becoming more complex daily. Information streams into our consciousness from a growing number of digital devices but how do we connect it, how do we assemble the context? The institutions that we deal with use ‘disconnect’ as their modus operandi… the right hand never knows what the left hand is doing. The frustrations we experience can be overwhelming, and then sometimes it’s just unbelievably absurd.

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