Heard and Experimenta Commission (2010)

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Heard an Experimenta Commission 2009 Heard is an interactive artwork exploring cultural and social views through sophisticated tracking technology in virtual as well as physical space. This work explores ideas around online social networking environments and how the proliferation of these spaces effect the way by which people relate and interact with one another.

Rhys Turner (B. 1979 Australia lives Australia) Melissa Ramos (B. 1982 Philipines lives Australia/Berlin) Computer, custom software, camera, wireless headphones, projector, foam head sets.

Writers: Erica Englert (Chloe), Cat Jones (Daphne), Hugo Bowne-Anderson (Victor) Edited by Alice Williams.

Head sets designed by RMIT

for more information gogetheard.com

Full Description

Heard an Experimenta Commission 2009 Heard is an interactive artwork exploring cultural and social views through sophisticated tracking technology in virtual as well as physical space. This work explores ideas around online social networking environments and how the proliferation of these spaces effect the way by which people relate and interact with one another.

Rhys Turner (B. 1979 Australia lives Australia) Melissa Ramos (B. 1982 Philipines lives Australia/Berlin) Computer, custom software, camera, wireless headphones, projector, foam head sets.

Writers: Erica Englert (Chloe), Cat Jones (Daphne), Hugo Bowne-Anderson (Victor) Edited by Alice Williams.

Head sets designed by RMIT

for more information gogetheard.com

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