Pee Thoughts (2010)

by 1068546

There are countless times throughout our lives we suffer moments of change, developmental or degenerative processes associated with the passage of time, from childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to adulthood, maturity, old age ... Lack of confidence in our ability to change, our subconscious intention to stop time together with different fears, makes us bogged down in a lake big enough to survive forever. This video is about how small changes, such as pee, are united by thousandths of a second with the entry of new ideas, resolving concerns, clarity or inspiration itself may be behind this act to which we are accustomed. The original Makonde helmet (Tanzania) is used by both men and women in their transition from adolescence to adulthood, represents in part the knowledge of their ancestors, their suffering and their identity marked by different types of scarification. A support for this vital step in a conscious ...

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There are countless times throughout our lives we suffer moments of change, developmental or degenerative processes associated with the passage of time, from childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to adulthood, maturity, old age ... Lack of confidence in our ability to change, our subconscious intention to stop time together with different fears, makes us bogged down in a lake big enough to survive forever. This video is about how small changes, such as pee, are united by thousandths of a second with the entry of new ideas, resolving concerns, clarity or inspiration itself may be behind this act to which we are accustomed. The original Makonde helmet (Tanzania) is used by both men and women in their transition from adolescence to adulthood, represents in part the knowledge of their ancestors, their suffering and their identity marked by different types of scarification. A support for this vital step in a conscious way.

Let´s be conscious then of our own pee!

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