Field of View (2009)

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Footage of a small Flash project that explores the nature of focus and peripheral vision. The default mode exaggerates the variation in receptor density across the surface of a human retina; high density near the center allows us to resolve sharp details, while the drop in receptor density towards the edges of the retina yields only hazy shapes. The alternate mode inverts the relationship, blurring the details near the center of focus and permitting maximum details only at the edges.

All images and ActionScript by Joshua Albers. Programmed in Adobe Flash CS3. Footage captured in CamStudio ( and packaged in Adobe AfterEffects. no audio.

Full Description

Footage of a small Flash project that explores the nature of focus and peripheral vision. The default mode exaggerates the variation in receptor density across the surface of a human retina; high density near the center allows us to resolve sharp details, while the drop in receptor density towards the edges of the retina yields only hazy shapes. The alternate mode inverts the relationship, blurring the details near the center of focus and permitting maximum details only at the edges.

All images and ActionScript by Joshua Albers. Programmed in Adobe Flash CS3. Footage captured in CamStudio ( and packaged in Adobe AfterEffects. no audio.

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