retroactive footage video, 2009

Conceptual edit of famous Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will" (Triumph des Willens). All trails of direct nazi signs and even the image of Adolf Hitler have been deleted from the whole recording. From over hour movie remain only 14 minutes. Symbolic censure has made from this movie a story full of strange rituals, situations and worrying emptiness with silent lack of original sound, which was one of fundamental features of the prototype. In spite of all there is widely sensible a mood of "fascist tension". Triumph of absence, powerlessness and chaotic narrative.

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retroactive footage video, 2009

Conceptual edit of famous Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will" (Triumph des Willens). All trails of direct nazi signs and even the image of Adolf Hitler have been deleted from the whole recording. From over hour movie remain only 14 minutes. Symbolic censure has made from this movie a story full of strange rituals, situations and worrying emptiness with silent lack of original sound, which was one of fundamental features of the prototype. In spite of all there is widely sensible a mood of "fascist tension". Triumph of absence, powerlessness and chaotic narrative.

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