Underconstruction (2008) (2009)

by 1050721

Underconstruction is a video created with captured photographic images with cellular, presenting the new constructions in the edge of the river Pinheiros, in São Paulo, specifically, the constructions next to the United Nations´s avenue, where it is possible to still see the Estaiada´s bridge in construction. As a great metropolis, São Paulo it is presented in a perpetual one to construct and to reconstruct, as one fenix that be born again to each day, causing surprises for that they return a brief time after it are of the same city or for its inhabitants.

Full Description

Underconstruction is a video created with captured photographic images with cellular, presenting the new constructions in the edge of the river Pinheiros, in São Paulo, specifically, the constructions next to the United Nations´s avenue, where it is possible to still see the Estaiada´s bridge in construction. As a great metropolis, São Paulo it is presented in a perpetual one to construct and to reconstruct, as one fenix that be born again to each day, causing surprises for that they return a brief time after it are of the same city or for its inhabitants.

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