How I learned to love the past's future (2009)

by 1066523

"How I learned to love the past's future" is a digital structural movie.

As a means of appreciation and an urge to interpret - that is why we do remixes. "How I learned" is a personal, a highly subjective work, still with the stringency of a systematic exploration. The cross-scans, spreads of lines and columns from a picture and the fusion of the two results emerge into a texturization containing the smallest and most graphical elements of the source's aesthetic. Granular synthesis magnifies a very small amount of sound into a soundtrack.

Full Description

"How I learned to love the past's future" is a digital structural movie.

As a means of appreciation and an urge to interpret - that is why we do remixes. "How I learned" is a personal, a highly subjective work, still with the stringency of a systematic exploration. The cross-scans, spreads of lines and columns from a picture and the fusion of the two results emerge into a texturization containing the smallest and most graphical elements of the source's aesthetic. Granular synthesis magnifies a very small amount of sound into a soundtrack.

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